Parastoo Jafari

Parastoo Jafari is an independent researcher, translator and editor with an interest for questions of reality, memory and time in contemporary arts. Her research and curatorial projects mainly address theory and multidisciplinary methods as trajectories to analyze the artistic concepts. She gives a special attention to the creative and research-based methods and explores sources of the artistic production under process and after. She received her doctoral degree in Art History from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich with a focus on material and intellectual contexts of artistic modernism with particular attention to Iran. In a collaboration with a group of German scholars, she has also founded “Tazkar Projects” as an art research platform focusing on the creative and theoretical areas in contemporary art in Tehran. ‌As a research assistant, she collaborates with German publisher Walter De Gruyter and has contributed to research and curatorial projects in the field of Iranian contemporary art with University of Munich, research centers and exhibition spaces in Germany.

Artist Talk 19 | June 2022
Open Studio 6 | June 2022
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